Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Recommended Reading: "Beyond White Guilt"


An important article, and probably a helpful one for white allies, on understanding white guilt...and moving from white guilt to anti-racism. From the blog, "THIS WEEK IN RACE."


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Speaking the Truth in Love

The Epistle lesson in the lectionary for this Sunday contains the passage on "speaking the truth in love" (Eph. 4:1-16--this quote is specifically from verse 15).

If I had more tenure with my congregation in Spring Grove, I might explore this passage in light of the dialogue that has been re-provoked in our nation on racism due to the Henry Louis Gates, Jr. incident. I think it might be a bit early for that, but I'm wondering if we might have a conversation here about how that issue might intersect with this text?

Was Obama's invitation to the two men to join him and VP Joe Biden at the White House for a beer a move in the direction of "speaking the truth in love" or was it just politically motivated? What are your thoughts? Is it possible to handle issues like this without intimate conversations, whether or not we are the President of the United States?